copywriter, drummer, crappy dancer

Indeed — Job Seekers

Indeed had us create 5 content franchises in one big push to help job seekers everywhere.
After 1 month of planning, 1 month of shooting, and 1 month of post — we ended up with 30+ videos and 380+ minutes of content.
Here’s some of it.



When job searching, the smartest moves are sometimes the smallest.
What better to illustrate this than a world of tiny toys?
Animated by the incredible Panic Studio.


career paths

What if a fresh grad could test drive 3 different jobs—in one day?
Directed by the ultimate people person, Joshua Seftel.


job science

For years, athletes have used science and data analysis to improve.
We did the same to help job seekers navigate every step of the job search.
Directed by the legend, Bob Partington.

GCD tyler pierce
CW me
AD santiago lastra